Thursday, May 3, 2007


I am slowly overcoming my fears of welcoming you into the world. We have both grown comfortable (but less and less every day!) with the way things are between us. But things won't stay this way for much longer, perhaps another month or so, and you will join your father and I out here in the world. With each day I gather more of the strength I will need to lovingly embrace you, fearless, on your birth day. And then we will begin our journey together.

Things have to feel tight for you; I know they do for me. I hope you are enjoying this restful time. Things will be different when you are out here - trust me. It's exciting and scary. I promise you I will do everything I can to protect you and love you. In hoping that you get more of your father's temperament, I am really just wishing that you do not inherit this penchant for chronic worry from your mother. I worry about everything in the past - for myself, and now for you. Once someone predicted that I would never be happy - I guess that is what I fear the most - that my worry will keep me from the life I have so arduously built for myself, and now for us, with your father. I'll work on my worrying and you just work on getting ready for your big day. Kisses.